After I returned from Asilomar in 2013, (see my adventures in Asilomar 2013 on my Blog) and had completed “After Asilomar Mark,” I was determined to continue to use Carlene Keller's mottled hand dyed fabrics (email her at carlenekeller@mac.com) to make a few more Esterita Austin (see esteritaaustin.com) type portraits! It is by far the best fabric to show subtle changes in lines and shadows (besides, I had purchased plenty of it); and since I had not yet understood how to use it correctly, I attempted another portrait of myself. Even though I started this portrait in October of 2013, I have only just now (May 2015) finished it! Well, it needs aging - maybe bags under the eyes to look her age - really, I have to figure out how to make her look much much older! She looks 16, not 66!
Below I have shown you the pattern I made from a photograph of myself, the fabric portrait before it is painted and after it is painted, including close-ups. And remember, I am no painter - and yet, it's amazingly real! I’m sure you noticed I haven’t even begun the step of quilting these portraits - which no matter how long I wait, will eventually have to be done! Of course, I will add to each page photos of the process and completed work.

The Pattern traced from an 11 x 17 photograph

The completed portrait BEFORE it was painted!

The Painted Portrait


