I just returned from Asilomar - the 2013 Empty Spools Seminars March 1-6th (the Friday through Wednesday group). I took Esterita Austin's "Portraiture - with a twist" Class (see esteritaaustin.com) again in an attempt to try to learn how to use her mottled hand dyed fabrics (created by Carlene Keller-email carlenekeller@mac.com) to create a portrait (which I didn't do last year - see my blog entry Asilomar 2012). Well, happily, I did learn it this time! I created a portrait of my husband Mark.
For those of you who may not know, the classes at Asilomar last for five days. On the last day of class, we walk around to everyone else's class and see what they've been working on all week. Well, when my husband Mark arrived the the next morning to pick me up, I sent him to the dining hall for breakfast with my meal ticket (while I packed)..... and everyone recognized him from seeing the portrait I had made of him! He enjoyed the compliments he got for my work and loved all the kind attention!
Below are a few photos from my fabulous class, just as we were getting started, and the progression of my quilt - Asilomar Mark, along with a few photos of my fellows students' work (including the fabulous work by the three sisters who came to this class together, (Gayle, Linda & Susie) and, at the end, an amazing portrait by Judy. I also added a couple of photos of my walks around the grounds, and out to the ocean.