Jane is a quilt artist from Northern California. She is also a lawyer who practiced law under her maiden name - Jane Genco. In late 1991, Jane was working as a Litigation Attorney for an local insurance defense firm when she became severely ill and unable to work. While at home recovering from her illness, she began watching quilting shows on PBS and taught herself how to quilt.
In those early years, Jane made lap quilts for use around the house. Later she began creating quilt art for her home and for sale, and wearable art as samples for Quilt Vendors to display the fabrics and patterns they sold. Over the years, she made numerous wearable art jackets for Wedding Anniversary cruises, and eventually, when she returned to work, Jane designed quilt art specifically to hang in her various offices.
She returned to work for the State of California, where she had previously worked as an Analyst and as an Employment Tax Litigation Attorney for the Employment Development Department (EDD), prior to working in private industry. This time, she chose to practice in the field of healthcare law; first, as a Staff Attorney for the Litigation Section of the Department of Health Services, and then, as a Corporations Counsel for the Division of Licensing in the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC). She later became Staff Counsel to the Office of Provider Oversight at DMHC, where she remained until she retired. Jane now pursues her passion for quilting as time allows.
To date, she had made over 56 peices of wearable art in addition to over 130 quilts. Most have been sold, donated or given away as gifts. Only a few remain in Jane's private collection: some of which you can see by clicking here or on the heading Quilts above, like the one below, that illustrates her initial attempt in 2006 to paint faces on fabric.

Also, check out Jane's "Blog."
Some of the quilt photographs you will see on this website were taken by her husband, Mark Dong, who is a Wedding, Lifestyle Portrait, and Travel photographer. (See his photography website at markdongphotography.com). Jane has incorporated his travel images along with his descriptions detailing his trip into elaborate pages that can be seen on his website. (See "Mark's Travels")

If you have any questions or comments, you can email Jane at smileu590@gmail.com