What a Life!
WHAT A BIRTHDAY PRESENT! Mark and I were invited to stay at my sister Joanna's house in Santa Cruz for our Birthdays - happily they are one week apart! Mark brought me over to Joanna’s on HIS birthday and left the next day for work and I got to stay for a week, until he returned after MY birthday to pick me up. It was FABULOUS!
Joanna and I went shopping, got a manicure and pedicure, made dinners, watched movies and walked the puppy! See for yourself … she even took me out to the world famous Shadowbrook restaurant for MY BIRTHDAY DINNER!
I loved it, ALL!

Dinner with my sister on the Wharf for Mark’s Birthday

We ate dinner at Riva's right across from the Santa Cruz Boardwalk

This is the new puppy - LIZZIE!

Taking LIZZIE for a walk on the beach
The beach in front of Joanna’s condo

My FIRST manicure and pedicure - present from Joanna

Nice, isn’t it?


Our Dinner at Paradise Beach Grill - FABULOUS FOOD!

Joanna and I taking the puppy for a walk
The beach in front of Joanna’s condo - Yellow condos on the hill - Joanna’s is the third one back from Ocean Front.

I took LIZZIE for a walk on the beach every day!

Joanna’s friend Andrea and her friend were there and invited me to join them...

LIZZIE was just starting to trust me...
LIZZIE is almost caught by a WAVE!

We WERE HIT by a HUGE WAVE the next day!

First thing I did was give her a bath in the sink and wash out all the sand out of her cute pink collar.

World Famous Shadowbrook Restaurant

“Happy Birthday to Me…"

FABULOUS! Filet Mignon, Potatoes Au Gratin & Spinach Salad!

LAST DAY - I had a close call..but the puppy was safe in my arms!

A wonderful day at the beach and a WONDERFUL WEEK!