Little Janes!
After I met ARTIST Mary Lou Falstreau, she gave me one of her Coloring Books and special permission to make some small quilts of her "Women and the Hourglass” Series for my home and to show on my BLOG.
Once I began designing these quilts, I thought of making them look like a caricacture of myself, so the messages would speak more directly to me. I also decided to stay with the same style of her art in this series, with the mitten hands and simple feet, and created a sort of “emoji face” with hardly any hair ( like me) and, with each one wearing a style of glasses I currently owned. Sometimes I did NOT change the clothes from those Mary Lou painted … and sometimes I DID CHANGE the clothes (and/or, at least, the colors & fabric). Sometimes I would swap around the sayings (…or make up a new one), and/or even change the depiction of the concept being shown. I had a lot of fun personalizing her ADORABLE women for myself. I made them to remind me daily of her WONDERFUL MESSAGES! I also purchased MANY of her prints which I have displayed interchangeably in several rooms!

Changed the clothes, added my sister’s puppy, & my iPhone, and was trying to depict the shocking moment we were both walking too close to the ocean and were hit by a wave from behind us!

This one where I changed the depiction of the concept being shown about "Following your Heart."

Simplified the concept with no background at all…just the message to go on…older, pudgier, and out of shape!

Swapped one Mary Lou saying with another painting! See the two WONDERFUL Mary Lou paintings to the left.

I used the idea of Mary Lou's “ Survivor’s" Sun & Coat, but changed the message to myself.

The first quilt I tried to make close to the idea of Mary Lou’s Painting…LOVE!

Trying to match Mary Lou’s ADORABLE painting in the HAPPINESS it brought me!

My take on MaryLou’s FABULOUS Painting “Dancing."

Every Quilt was Painted BEFORE it was Quilted.
Every single painting in Mary Lou Falstreau's “ Women and the Hourglass” series is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS and every message MOVING. I purchased almost every one of her greeting cards so I can look at them and share them with others. I have also purchased several of her 8.5 x 11 prints which I love because they are a perfect size! I also have the affirmation card decks! Love them! I pull one out whenever I ask myself what I need to be reminded of … (horrible grammar.) Made my own special zipper pouch to hold them! Next I’m going to PAINT in my “ Women and the Hourglass" Coloring Book! THANK YOU MARY LOU FALSTREAU…I LOVE ALL YOUR WORK!!!!!

Mary Lou’s Prints, Affirmation Cards and Coloring Book!
All of her Greeting Cards, Prints, Affirmation Cards, and Coloring Book from her Women and the Hourglass Series are FOR SALE on her website at You can also see some of them right here under the Blog entry “Happy Art!” Every single painting is FABULOUS! Thank you Mary Lou! I LOVE them ALL!