May 1, 2015 was our 27th Wedding Anniversary! Another Mexico Cruise, but this time on the Ruby Princess - April 19-26th! And, we chose a Mini-Suite! I must say, that was very nice! Lots of room for a change! The weather was beautiful every day, especially in Mexico, but unfortunately for me, I became quite ill on the fifth day! I wasn’t very well when we left for the cruise, so by the time we had found lovely dancing locales every night and consumed fabulous dinners followed by a walk on the promenade, I was exhausted. I shouldn’t wonder my immunity sank and I suffered the consequences! I missed one night completely - flat on my back in bed; but I mustered up enough energy to go to dinner the last two nights and dance a little afterward.
The worst of it all was the storm at sea our last night! The ship was rocking from side to side as well as pushed up and slamming down on every wave that hit the front of the ship where we were! It was right out of “The Deadliest Catch,” if you have ever seen that show! Everything that wasn’t nailed down slid from one side of the cabin to the other. It triggered a case of Vertigo in me that lasted an entire week once we were home! I slept fully clothed sitting up with the light on all night that last night - more than ready to get our life jackets on should any water enter the cabin!
Below I have included a few moments when we remembered to take a photograph or some video - click to start the videos and then click the image to allow the control bar to disappear. The videos play in a loop until you click on the image again to press the stop arrow.
This year we remembered to ask someone to take some video of Mark and I dancing. We hadn’t danced in a year, so we were rather out of practice, and I was quite unsteady. In all of these videos, you can also see some of our new dancing friends dance as well! We had a wonderful time, despite my ill health! I hope you enjoy seeing our memories!

Our Mini-Suite

It Came with Two Glasses of Champagne!

Skywalker’s Lounge - Free Appetizers & Drinks for Platium Members
Cruising in the Pacific Ocean

Formal Night - My New Dress from Tapestries in Hawaii

Isn’t he handsome! Always looks like a Million Dollars!

Our Table in the Michelangelo Dinning Room - Reserved for Us All Week

Our Dinner!
Mark & Jane Dancing at the Captain’s Circle Party

Out on the Promonade After Dinner & Dancing - Very windy, but Beautiful!

Ready for a Casual Evening - Cocktails, Dinner & Dancing
Dancing at the Wheelhouse Bar

My Last Night Feeling Well

Another Photo by Our Delightful Cabin Steward

Everyone Dancing at the Explorer’s Lounge - Princess 50th Anniversary Dance

The Start of the Bad Weather for Our Last Night