"Ciao Italia" Exhibit at Old Soul Co.
This was my first Photography Exhibit - it was July 14, 2012 - August 8, 2012.
See a slideshow of the Exhibit below:
Press "Play" - and then press "Pause" shortly after the slideshow begins - this will allow it to upload for a minute or two to ensure you can view it without interruption - Then, you can play it as many times as you want.
"Ciao Italia" Photography Exhibit Slideshow

It was a great experience creating a twenty-six (26) photograph gallery for an exhibit at the coffee house Old Soul Co. as their Second Saturday Art Walk Artist for July of 2012. It was amazing!

Old Soul Co. held a reception for me on the Second Saturday of July and I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude to all my clients, family, and friends who made a special effort to come to see my work; both those who came to the reception, and those who took the time to visit the exhibit before it ended. I am honored by their love and support and will always remember how they made this event one of the most special occasions of my life!